eleanor woke up this morning at 7:30 am like normal. she slept great.
i nursed her and once i was finished, i noticed a couple welts on her face.
they looked a lot like mosquito bites so i figured she got them during her sleep
(are there even mosquitos in january when it's 29 outside?!)
anyway, they faded within an hour or so and never seemed to even bother her.
we had breakfast, played and she went down at 10 am for her morning nap as usual.
she woke up at noon looking like this:

there were a bunch of the mosquito looking welts on her face.
her face was bright red.
they had spread to her head too.
again they didn't seem to bother. no itching although she was a bit fussy and clingy.
so i ended up taking her to the doctor.
by the time i got there the welts seemed to have merged together.
at that point it was just a couple GIANT welts on her face.
they pretty much said to keep an eye on it, that it was prob a food allergy or something normal and didn't seem too concerned.
they said i could give her benedryl if i felt necessary and that it should go away within a couple days. (exactly what i expected them to say...)
by the time i got home it was almost completely gone. so strange. i hadn't given her any meds yet.
so she went down for her second nap at 3:00 pm and woke up at 4:30 looking like this:

i also found it on her bottom, her shoulder and her foot...
i called the doc and they said to give her the benedryl, wash everything in her bed (since every time i got her out of the bed today, the rash appeared) and give her a cool bath.
check, check & check.
20 min after taking the benedryl, the welts were gone.
she was still fussy (she is never fussy and i literally mean that) and was so clingy.
all she wanted was to lay her head on my shoulders.
it actually was really sweet (i love it when she wants her momma) but seriously...what could this be?!
i really don't feel like it's a food allergy...she hasn't had anything different in that last few days.
there have been no changes in soaps, detergents, etc.
poor thing.
i hope she sleeps well and doesn't wake up with it in the morning but i would still love an explanation and right now i have no clue.
any ideas???
oh my! poor lil thing! it looks like a food allergy. it might be something you ate that she got thru your breastmilk. i'm so sorry. let me know what you find out. love y'all
Jackson broke out in a weird mysterious rash once. He had a very low grade fever (99.2), but no other symptoms. The doctor said pretty much just let it run it's course. Not sure what it was, or if Eleanor has the same thing, but Jackson's went away in about 4 to 5 days. It would get better, then worse, and eventually just went away. I'm so sorry! I hope she feels better soon!!
My 14 month old broke out in a head to toe red rash with bumps and a fever. His doc swabbed his throat and it came back positive for strep throat.
Did the doctor check for an ear infection? My son got several ear infections during his first year. Several of those times the only symptom is that he would break out in hives all over this body that would come and go. Just a thought.
So sorry this happened! Poor Eleanor & mommy. Glad its gone though!
that's so strange...she actually had her first ear infection (double) a little over two weeks ago and was put on antibiotics. she finished the meds 4 days before the hives. when we went to the doctor tuesday for the hives, they confirmed that her ear infection was gone but maybe that caused it!!
Poor Eleanor!!!! I hope she is feeling better. Glad she popped her tooth. I have never hear of hives with teething, but who know teething brings on wierd symptoms! Give her a cuddle from us!
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