

thanks for all the sweet texts, comments and calls concerning eleanor.
things are much better now.

on my previous post i explained about an odd rash that showed up on her face.
yesterday it came back a tiny bit (still after i nurse her) but NOTHING like tuesday.
for the most part she was acting herself.
until yesterday evening.
we were outside with her and in the bright light, guess what we noticed...

white spots & purple on her gums!
i mean seriously, is my 10 month old FINALLY getting a tooth?
literally a couple hours ago it broke through and you can actually feel it now.
poor thing. i guess this explains all the drooling she has been doing lately.

so now my next question...could the rash have been related to teething?
i have never heard of that and ironically i asked the doctor tuesday if A. she was teething and B. if it was possible that she could get a rash from teething and she said no to both.

well maybe the rash isn't related but what a strange coincidence.
i guess i will know if if they are related if it happens with the next tooth.

i am trying to capture a good pic of the tooth but because of her obssession with the iphone, she moves all over the place trying to take it from me so they all turn out blurry.
maybe i need to bust out the big camera for this...

picture coming soon!

1 comment:

Bethany Habecker said...

It totally is not a coincidence! Most babies get a rash before they start teething or during it! It literally is called a drooling rash...look it up! One of my nephews had it when he was teething. It is nothing serious at all. A mild fever can accompany it as well. It is a little scary to see at first, but obviously it will go away. If it happens again, just put a warm compress on her sweet little face, give Benadryl, Tylenol, and/or Motrin! Eleanor is BEAUTIFUL! Can't believe she is almost ONE!