
i must have the cutest nephew ever.

look how adorable my nephew jett is...everything about him.
i can't get over it.

i love him OHHHH so much!


week 29: baby durrett

welcome jett

my sister delivered her first baby today.
jett elijah thurman was born on september 24, 2009 @ 1:54 pm.
he weighed in at 9 pounds 12 ounces.
measured at 21 3/4 inches long.

he was a BIG one!

mom and baby are both healthy and doing well.
they should be coming home sometime on saturday afternoon.
i will keep you posted on any news.

thank you all for your prayers & support over the last couple of days.
we couldn't have asked for a smoother delivery!

check out just a few of the pics i took today.
such a perfect, beautiful baby boy!
praise the LORD!


baby news

we visited the doc this morning.
it was a quick appointment.
we listened for the heartbeat. found it right way.
strong & loud.
it was beating 150 bpm.
dr. smith says everything looks completely normal at this point.

we will find out the sex on october 15th.
we can't wait to see if we will be having a sweet baby girl or boy.
clearly, by the votes on the right side of this blog, we are having a boy.
which i am sure is very accurate.
soon enough we will know!

update on my VERY pregnant sister-
meredith's due date is this saturday so needless to say she is READY.
and miserable.
and begging for baby jett to come out.
we had three friends who were due either the same day as her or soon after.
they have ALL had their babies now.
all at home snuggling with their newborns.
not meredith. yet.
she is a bit envious i would say. ;o)

she is headed to the doctor as we speak to see if she has made any progress.
she has been having contractions for three weeks now but last night they really intensified.
we are hoping that means she will at least be dilated some & maybe we will see baby in the next couple days!

please keep meredith, patrick & baby jett in your prayers over the next week.

happy hump day!!


week 28: baby durrett


week 27: baby durrett


not an aunt yet...

well no baby thurman yet for my beautiful, pregnant sister.
(doesn't she look amazing!)

due date is sept. 26th- & she is about to pop!
i really don't think her stomach can stretch any further!
she is definitely waddling around now, waiting for baby to come.

at her last doctor's appointment, she was not dilated at all. ;o/
just a couple more weeks meredith!
you can do it!

please pray for her and baby jett that these next couple weeks go smoothly & quickly!

i see you

today we got to see our precious bundle of joy.
we had our 12 1/2 week sonogram done plus some additional testing.
good news is that baby looks perfect so far.
nothing seems to be out of the ordinary & doc says baby has passed it's first round of tests!
praise the Lord!
we also had blood work done which we should get that back in approximately six days.

as for the sex of the baby, it was a bit early to tell so we won't officially know until oct. 15th.
no biggie- i suppose i will just have to hold off on the shopping for another month. darn. ;o)

the sonogram was so fun...it was our first time to see baby fusch as an actual baby with a profile rather than a dot in my tummy.
we also heard & saw the heart beat at the same time which is always an amazing experience.
the heart beat was 160 bpm & the hands & feet were moving around.
such an amazing thing to see & definitely made this feel more real than ever!

here are a few pics from the sonogram.
you can see the profile as well as the hands, body & feet.

below is a shot of the head with the hand near it's mouth.

i will be sure to keep you posted on more exciting baby fusch news!
baby bump pics will be starting soon!
PS- lindsey durrett, my sister in law, is on her babymoon so as soon as she is back, i will get her week 27 & week 28 posted!


we're on a boat

i am in miami for another couple days.
we are on a friend's family yacht & are ABSOLUTELY loving it.
who wouldn't!?

once i am back & settled, i will have plenty of updates for you from the trip,
baby thurman & baby fusch.

i hope everyone had a beautiful weekend & a start to a wonderful week!



...did i really just do that?

i just ate not one but TWO lean pockets for lunch today, thirty minutes apart.
who does that?!
hopefully other preggers out there do.
at least there is broccoli in it...


week 26: baby durrett